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Международная деятельность

Молодежные обмены, волонтерские проекты, обучения на интерактивной карте
ESC accreditation


Hi, my Name is Ella and I am from Berlin, Germany.

I am volunteering in the European Solidarity Corps at the Narva Vanalinna State School in Narva, Estonia.⠀

I am excited to start my work at the school because I am interested in learning about education and I am looking forward to getting to know the teachers.

At my high school in Berlin, I have enjoyed making short films, managing the social media account of the school and writing a blog about my year abroad.

Volunteering in the self-organised student council and planning projects and events with other students were my favourite parts about school. During an exchange year to the U.S. I learned that the more extracurricular activities, sports and clubs there are, the more fun you can have at school.

In my free time I like to do yoga or play the guitar. I am also interested in the sciences and the medical field. Volunteering at the German Red Cross Society, I learned about providing first aid.

I always try to walk or bike wherever I can, especially in a new environment. Besides getting to know Narva, I would love to travel around in Estonia to visit nature reserves and other cities and to learn about the country’s history.

I decided to volunteer in Estonia because, compared to just visiting the country, I can really get to know the culture, the language and the people. I would love to learn Russian over the course of the year. In my experience, learning a new language is always worth the effort.

Project number: 2019-2-EE01-ESC11-051786
Project title: “Solidarity in the 21st century”

Solidarity in the 21st century