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Camille - French Crêpes

French Crêpes

Brittany is the region in France where I come from, and from all the things you should know about this region, there is this important one:
It's famous for its "Crêpes" - Креп in Russian, extremely similar to your блины ;)

We eat crêpes for breakfast, for our "tea-time" and even sometimes for dinner.
If you come to Brittany, you will find in our supermarket an entire section of different packs of crêpes. We always always have crêpes at home, It's a MUST.
And today I want to share with you my family's recipe.

(We bake them almost every sunday evening for dinner because it's so chill to eat crêpes before the sunday movie on TV.)

Enjoy !

Camille, your French volunteer

Project number: 2020-2-EE01-ESC11-078077
Project name: „Solidarity for Sustainable Life“
Solidarity for Sustainable Life