Описание проектов

Здесь можно найти подробное описание местных и международных проектов, в рамках которых мы предлагаем различные возможности обучения. Для просмотра текущих возможностей для участия смотри раздел возможностей.

Международная деятельность

Молодежные обмены, волонтерские проекты, обучения на интерактивной карте
ESC accreditation


I'm Ana, 28 years old girl from Croatia.

I grew up in Split City (region Dalmatia) where I finished Maritime highschool. I lived and worked in Ireland and UK almost 5 years.

In 2020 in home town Split, I started initiative "Ispleti, pa reci" - free social meetings in public for ladies who do knitting and crochet while chatting... I worked with local "Harm Reduction" team (aids prevention day/ Syringe&Needle exchange project).

I will volunteer with VitaTiim organisation and I'm happy to be part of creative team and have chance to learn new skills and give back to community positive impact. : D

I love art, theater, exhibitions, burlesque performances, cycling, scuba diving, psy trance, latino music, sea food.

I never tried skiing in my life, but never say 'never' ... I'm sure I will try all winter sport activities and I'm excited about all new things I will learn in Narva.

Project number: 2020-2-EE01-ESC11-078077
Project title: „Solidarity for Sustainable Life“

Solidarity for Sustainable Life