Описание проектов

Здесь можно найти подробное описание местных и международных проектов, в рамках которых мы предлагаем различные возможности обучения. Для просмотра текущих возможностей для участия смотри раздел возможностей.

Международная деятельность

Молодежные обмены, волонтерские проекты, обучения на интерактивной карте
ESC accreditation


Hi! My name is Fatima :)⠀

I am a proud Mexican and German!

I was born in Mexico, but have lived in Germany since I was little.⠀

My hobbies are dancing (Video-clip-dancing & Zumba), yoga, baking cakes and spending time with my little sisters.

I also enjoy travelling and getting to know new cultures, people and languages. Currently I speak English, German and Spanish. And I am looking forward to learning Russian ;)⠀

For one year I will work as a volunteer at VitaTiim, what is very exciting for me. I am looking forward to getting to know Estonia, its traditions and of course the people in Narva and the other volunteers.

#SolidarityForSustainableLife #SustainableLifeDevelopment

#EuropeanSolidarityCorps #VolunteeringInEstonia

Project number: 2020-2-EE01-ESC11-078077
Project title: „Solidarity for Sustainable Life“

Solidarity for Sustainable Life