VitaTiim and Satakunta University (Pori, Finland) present the training program CulDif for the youngsters in Ida-Virumaa to improve their further career opportunities via entrepreneurial cross-border cooperation.

Participants of this programme will:

1. Meet new people, who might help in future.
2. Better understand different cultures and ways of doing business.
3. Gain digital competences such as AI and digitalisation skills in business processes.
4. Be more confident in communication with new people and facing new situations.
5. Feel more comfortable to start own business.
6. Improve their English skills.

The main activities of the programme will take place from September 2024 until May 2025 in Narva, in the non-formal learning centre VitaTiim.

Learning processes will be in parallel with our partner Satakunta University. The programme includes the visit to Satakunta area (Pori, Finland) and hosting our Finnish friends here in Narva.

After the graduation the participant will get the certification concerning completing the programme from VitaTiim and Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.

The programme can be adapted as an optional course in gymnasiums or vocational training centres
You are most welcome to apply by filling the form below
What is your English level? ("1" is the worst and "10" is the best)
I authorize the processing of personal data under this programme based on the law of the personal data protection.
Our Supporters and Partners
The project is funded by Central Baltic Programme
Martti Rõõmus
project manager