International youth exchange

Childhood Stories

06-18 July 2024 | Germany

This project supports young people:
to create their own learning environment.
to learn more about the mechanism of stereotyping, and how to live a life of tolerance and solidarity.
improve critical thinking, especially connected to social media and its influencers.

This project uses methods such as storytelling and theatre for expressing new opinions and behaviours.


We plan to develop the programme together on the online meetings and on the first day of the youth exchange. Regardless of the outcome of this
preparation phase, our programme will have the
following elements:
Exercise related to the biased algorithm of the social media content. Workshop where childhood stories, folks tale and cartoons will be analyzed for stereotypes. We will invite young people to step in the shoes of social media influencer for a day. Trip to the coast to balance our wellbeing. Theatre performance, social media content and videos to be disseminated. International afternoon to address our multicultural group and celebrate our
Dates: 06-18 July 2024
Arrival : 06 July 2024
Departure: 18 July 2024

Participating countries: Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia

Number of participants: Estonia - 5 participants + leader
Age of participants: 15-18 y.o

Join the project!

Registration open till 21.05.2024
Project supported
Julia Dem
project manager
Phone: + 375 559 217 87